Opening Remarks and Awards

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In their opening remarks, the conference chairs noted NeurIPS’ continuing growth.

This year’s conference hit another new record for registered participants, and submissions to the (relatively new) datasets & benchmarks track once again doubled year-on-year.

A new prize was announced: the Sejnowski-Hinton Prize, a $10k annual prize to an outstanding NeurIPS paper proposing a novel theory of how the brain works. The prize is funded by a donation from Geoffrey Hinton.

Slide titled "Announcing the Sejnowski-Hinton Prize"

General Chair Lester Mackey announcing the Sejnowski-Hinton Prize

This year’s best paper awards:

Runner-up awards:

Slide titled "Best Paper Awards"

Program Chair Chen Zhang announcing the best paper awards

This year’s datasets and benchmarks track best paper award goes to The PRISM Alignment Dataset: What Participatory, Representative and Individualised Human Feedback Reveals About the Subjective and Multicultural Alignment of Large Language Models by Hannah Rose Kirk, Alexander Whitefield, Paul Rottger, Andrew M. Bean, Katerina Margatina, Rafael Mosquera-Gomez, Juan Ciro, Max Bartolo, Adina Williams, He He, Bertie Vidgen, and Scott Hale.